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Tag: film review
REVIEW: Richard Jewell Is More Than Just a Man's Story
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REVIEW: Cats Charms and Surprises
REVIEW: Jumanji: The Next Level Ups The Game
Growing up, the first Jumanji movie was my go-to movie. There wasn’t a weekend that I did not watch it on our VHS. I mean, what is there not to love about it? We have Robin Williams, lions, and a whole new world to explore. There is that special sense of adventure that tickled my fancy. So, when the soft reboot of the movie came out about a decade later, I was a bit skeptical. Jumanji starring Dwayne Johnson and Jack Black? That’s something, right? But boy it did not disappoint and it left me in stitches. The good thing is a sequel to that comes out this year, continuing in on the premise of Jumanji being a broken video game. Was it funny? Bingers, you’d want to read til the end of our review because the movie surprised me with some of its elements!
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REVIEW: Dead Kids - When The Games Get Serious
We all have our special high school memories. It is during this period when we try to make memories between our childhood and adulthood, given that it is the last stage before we head into college. This is the time when kings and queens of the batch reigned and the misfits were preyed upon. As Mean Girls once put it, it was a jungle. So, what is up with all these talks about high school? Well, it is the setting for the first Netflix-licensed Filipino film, Dead Kids. And it was one crazy, crazy film! Bingers, we were at the premier of Mikhail Red’s Dead Kids and I must say, it is something not to miss!
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REVIEW: Frozen 2 Took Us Into The Unknown and Beyond
REVIEW: Buckle Up for Ford v Ferrari
What do you know about cars? How well do you know your Mustangs or your Maserati? If not much, well hard same! But would you believe me if I say that you don’t have to be car-savvy to enjoy 20th Century Fox’s Ford v Ferrari! Yes, this film by James Mangold starring Christian Bale and Matt Damon will bring us deeper into their characters while taking us along for a ride! Bingers, here is my review of Ford v Ferrari.
REVIEW: Doctor Sleep Will Leave You Sleepless
It has been 39 years since we last entered Overlook Hotel. It has been nearly 40 years since The Shining came out and the classic is still embedded in everybody’s head. Stanley Kubrick did a great job in adapting Stephen King’s novel, despite some controversy between the two creators. One’s taste did not match the other’s but as for us viewers, the film is such a classical masterpiece. So, this just raises the question: Should there really be a sequel? Honestly, if you ask me, I’d say yes. While the first movie was widely loved by many people, it was just a so-so for me. It was classified as a horror movie but I wasn’t scared, not even once! I saw it instead as a creative adaptation of family abuse. And at the core of the story, it truly is. The sequel to it, Doctor Sleep, changed my mind about the movie. It made me appreciate it even more as it dove deeper into its lore. So, Bingers, here is my review of Mike Flanagan’s Doctor Sleep.
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