When the first Zombieland movie came out in 2009, pop culture was crazy about zombies. I mean it was around that time we saw several zombie-centric titles and among of which is The Walking Dead! The world just can’t have enough of these brain-devouring monsters. And so, Zombieland became a cult favorite for mixing the genre with humor, a dark one. The premise was pretty straightforward- survive in a zombie-infested world. By introducing some crazy ideas and a wickedly hilarious mix of characters, the movie created a winning formula. Also, it has been a real mystery why Columbia Pictures took a decade to give the fans a much-awaited sequel! Bingers, if you are like me who has been waiting for the sequel for a decade, worry not because it was worth the wait! Before you head out to cinemas to scream in laughter, read first my quick movie review.
Welcome Back to Zombieland
So, the gang is back and they aged (supposedly but it was just Abigail Breslin who is now a teenage Little Rock). Tallahassee, Wichita, and Columbus are now surprisingly living together still but this time at the White House! Ten years have passed and the zombie infestation has gotten wilder with some of them evolving as a Homer (the dumb one), the Hawking (the smart ones), and the T-800 (the killer zombies). Their introduction is just one of the many new and hilarious additions from the first movie! Seeing the team battle all these types at the same time was exciting because you’ll never know what you’re going to get. And yes, it still raises the fear that one of them was going to take the bite! I mean, these are great characters that I fell in love with!

Speaking of great and lovable characters, Double Tap introduced a new member of the team that, I will dare say, is the hero of the sequel! Everybody, prepare to fall in love with the feisty, dumb blonde, Madison (played by Zooey Deutsch).
“Brains,” I Said!
We are all too familiar with the stereotype about zombies’ craving for brains. Of course at the butt of the joke about zombies’ hunger for them are the stereotypical dumb blonde girls. You get my drift and Zombieland 2: Double Tap played along with this and boy, I WAS IN STITCHES! I laughed so hard that my friends looked at me weirdly and even consoled me at times. Yes, Bingers, the sequel is already hilarious on its own with the signature banters among the original four but Madison. MADISON! God, I love her so much, I would take a zombie bite for her!
Madison plays the stereotypical dumb blonde that made the sequel so much better and FAR MORE hilarious than the first movie. I would even dare say that she is the hero of this movie. She is quirky and dumb and those traits stole my heart and my breath from laughing too hard!

Zombieland 2: Double Tap is a sequel that is undoubtedly worth the 10-yr wait! The peak of the zombie genre may have lost its shine but Double Tap has a story that was founded on a strong one, making it still look fresh. The progression in the characters is one of the best things that the sequel explored. Go for the blood and the laughters but stay for Madison.
Director: Ruben Fleischer
Cast: Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Abigail Breslin, and Emma Stone
Binge-level: 5 out of 5 stars.